Developer - Designer - Creator - Developer - Designer - Creator -
Developer - Designer - Creator - Developer - Designer - Creator -
Creator - Developer - Designer - Creator - Developer - Designer -
H Hello,My name is, allum arding H My Work
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About me

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Hi there! My name is Callum Harding, and I'm a passionate frontend developer based in the United Kingdom. I love using my skills to create unique and compelling web experiences for brands and users alike. With my experience in developing full frontend experiences for web and desktop applications, I'm confident in my ability to bring your project to life.

I recently completed an Honours degree in Multimedia Design at the University of Pretoria, where I gained valuable skills and knowledge in areas such as user interface design, web development, and graphic design. I'm eager to apply what I learned at university and continue expanding my knowledge and skills in my career.

When I'm not working on projects, I love to explore new design trends and technologies, and I'm always looking for ways to improve my skills. In my free time, I enjoy Photography, Reading, Video Games, and I find that these hobbies often inspire my work and help me approach problems in new and creative ways.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio website, and I hope you enjoy browsing through my work. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a project, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

My Work

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